Title: Veil Not Fail: Protecting Your Personal Assets from Business Attacks (Rich Dad Advisor Series)
Author: Garrett Sutton Esq.
Publisher: BZK Press (May 3, 2022)
ISBN: 978-1947588165
Pages: 192
Genre: Law / Corporate Governance
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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It is said for all of the world’s best creative outlets and political movements, it is business which truly keeps the world running. Money and power come from the businesses which succeed in our world, and the means of finding employment comes more often from businesses than anywhere else. Even entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals eventually make their living as their own business. As Andy Warhol once said, “Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.”

In author Garret Sutton Esq.’s Veil Not Fail: Protecting Your Personal Assets from Business Attacks (Rich Dad Advisor Series), the author hopes to provide a look at the weak spots and potential risks that exist within all LLCs and corporations. The book takes a hard look at these risks in an effort to show that anyone hoping to protect their personal assets should learn to read the signs and be prepared for the inevitable moment that they are sued, for it is always when-and-not-if for LLCs and corporations.

This is a thought-provoking and educational read. The attention to detail the author provides readers in regards to this specific topic is incredible. The author covered a wide range of subjects within this particular topic, from the evolution of Limited Liability to breaches of Fiduciary Duties and what to do when dealing with angry shareholders within your company. The matter-of-act and structured way the author relayed this information while also maintaining an approachable tone of voice made this book flow smoothly.

The author crafted such an incredibly written book which will appeal to readers who enjoy business related and Franchising Law books, in particular those that deal with mortgaging and corporate governance. The book definitely targets a very specific audience, and maintains a level of knowledge and expertise that readers with a working knowledge of business as a whole will appreciate.

Engaging, thoughtful, and driven in its approach, author Garrett Sutton Esq.’s Veil Not Fail: Protecting Your Personal Assets from Business Attacks (Rich Dad Advisor Series) is a must-read business-related book to read in 2022. The book does an excellent job of highlighting the pitfalls and issues that could arise in any dealings with or for an LLC or corporation when dealing with finances, investment, or business as a whole, and the book will definitely resonate with business inspired people who enjoy being able to know more and be acutely informed. Be sure to preorder or grab your own copy of this book today!