Author: Daniel Parmeggiani
Title: The Magnificent Truths of our Existence
Publisher: TruthSeeker Productions
ISBN: 978-0-9912112-0-3
Pages: 158, Paperback/Kindle
Genre: Non-Fiction/Young Adult/Spirituality

Author Interview with Daniel Parmeggiani

Interview Questions for Daniel F. Parmeggiani

Publisher: TruthSeeker Productions

Interviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert, Pacific Book Review


Today we’re talking with Daniel F. Parmeggiani, author of The Magnificent Truths of Our Existence.

PBR: Do you have a favorite spiritual read?
One of the books that touched me the most is Emmanuel’s Book – A guide for living comfortably in the cosmos. I always found big inspiration in this little book. It’s filled with uplifting wisdom about who we are and where we’re going.


PBR: What is your main purpose for writing The Magnificent Truths?
I feel a deep sense of responsibility to share the simple, clear vision of our true nature that I’ve been blessed with. We can all benefit greatly from clear self-perception, as real inner peace and true happiness depend on it.


PBR: How did you arrive at the statement “Magnificent Truths”?
When I decided to write this book, I knew that no one word could properly describe how great and uplifting these truths are, but I decided that “magnificent” came closest.


 PBR: How much research went into writing this book?
From the time I decided to write the first sentence, it took me eight years to write this book. Most of the research I did was within myself, drawing from my own experience to extend my vision into new areas. I took my time knowing that this was my true mission in life, and I wanted to get it right. I taught myself how to write in an engaging manner, and I worked on clarifying my message as much as possible until I felt it was accessible to anyone interested in improving their quality of life. I wanted to write a book that stood out for its logic, clarity and usefulness, and I think I finally got it right.


PBR: What would be your best advice to someone seeking spiritual enlightenment?
Each person has their own unique path to spiritual enlightenment. Some people find it through devotion, some through meditation, some through service, some through suffering, and others through philosophy. But no matter what your path may be, you always benefit greatly from having a clear understanding of who you really are and what it really takes to arrive at your destination. For that, my best advice would be to start out by reading a book such as mine that provides that solid base.


PBR: What are the differences between your take on seeking a spiritual path and other established spiritual systems?
My message is the same message of innocence, unconditional love, and equality that the great teachers such as Jesus and The Buddha shared with humanity. It is the same message of brotherhood and oneness, the same timeless spiritual wisdom now being more openly presented by the many teachers, gurus, and swamis of the modern New Age movement. These spiritual teachers share a common theme of cultivating unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, non-judgment, equality, and surrender. The purpose of this book is to explain why all these wonderful spiritual ideals, so often talked about and just as often misunderstood, not only make complete sense, but are our natural way of being and relating once we perceive the truth about ourselves. This book presents the logic and mechanics behind our innocent and flawless deeper reality. Without this clear foundation, our spiritual aspirations to be more loving, more forgiving, less judgmental, more at peace, and more present in the here and now have little chance of manifesting in our lives. Until we understand why it is in our best interest to perceive ourselves and the world through this spiritual perspective, we will be forcing something which cannot and should not be forced, but which, instead, should flow naturally and without effort.


PBR: Who would you say is your greatest influence spiritually?
Early on, I read many books on Theosophy that helped me see a bigger picture and complemented my own independent findings. I also find both Eckhart Tolle and A Course In Miracles very uplifting.


 PBR: What was the most difficult aspect of writing this book?

I quickly found out that writing an average book is easy, but writing a great book is hard, especially if it’s your first time out. I wanted my book to be great, so with that as my goal, I think that the most difficult aspect of writing became meeting my own high standards.


PBR: Because of your difficult childhood experiences what would be your best advice to a young person with similar issues?
When we’re stuck in a very difficult mental situation it can be difficult to follow or even listen to any advice. Still, the best thing one can do for a young person who’s developed an extremely negative view of himself or herself is to give them unconditional love and to repeatedly explain to them why they are deserving of such love. This can help start the healing process.


PBR: Do you have plans to write other works of a spiritual nature?
I plan to expand on The Magnificent Truths by creating supporting material such as a practical exercise guide, audio and video content, develop an online community and other projects.

I also have an idea floating around in my head of writing about how trading stocks is actually a very spiritual practice. I’ve been an independent trader for 15 years and I’ve found that trading forces you to be patient, have self-control at all times, and remain constantly in the present moment. Successful trading teaches you detachment from results and even from money. There are many more spiritual lessons contained in the apparently materialistic practice of trading stocks and I think there is great book to be written on that subject.

To learn more about “The Magnificent Truths of Our Existence” please read the review at: Pacific Book Review