Title: When Angels Play Poker
Author: Maura O’Leary
Publisher: Inspiring Voices Publishing
Pages: 122
ISBN: 978-1-4624-1214-3
Genre: Spirituality/Inspiration/Fiction

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Author Interview with Maura O’Leary

Today we have the pleasure to talk with Maura O’Leary, the author of the award-winning book When Angels Play Poker. Thank you for joining us.

PBR: Your book is taking off with all of the great publicity. How are you feeling about its success so far?
I am so grateful and amazing by the steady growth and acceptance of my book over the last year and a half. It’s truly surreal and a dream come true – especially winning a book award from Pacific Book Reviews, and being brought in by Barnes and Noble to do book signings.

It’s not easy getting a 1st book out there, but I’ve worked hard at it since last May and will continue to do so, in a variety of ways. But being able to say “Award winning Author” –is a huge help, and I am very grateful for receiving this award from you!

PBR: The plot provides a wonderfully creative foundation. How did you come about to envision your story?
Nicole, Honestly I was guided from above to write it! I was up in Maine over 5 yrs ago, and went away to take some down time and relax. I had brought a journal with me to write something but instead….this book came thru to me. I wrote over 4 chapters while I was in Maine, and I only stopped because my hand hurt so much. I went home and wrote two more chapters.

Understand…I had never written a book or even a short story before. I never had done dialog….and there I was writing this beautiful story. I stopped at 6 chapters because I was so overwhelmed but what was happening…but over the next few years gradually completed it. The overall theme/message of the book is “how you’re loved from above every day by angels” and I think that resonates with everyone these days.

PBR: There are many literary explanations about the after-death experience. How would you explain your personal beliefs; and perhaps juxtapose it against the storyline of your book as to how it is similar and how it differs?I believe that we go to heaven. And based on my faith I grew up knowing that. But when we get there we all have a purpose. I believe we go back as souls to heaven, we absolutely reunite with our families, but beyond that we all are given a mission, an intent to help others back down on earth. I took a unique perspective on that in my book….

As I was writing the book, I was told that everyone has a purpose. There are angels and arch angels with higher levels of enlightenment clearly, but the average soul also has a job of protection and guidance they are to give to us. They are surrounded by immense love in heaven. That love needs to be shared with us all -from above.

People on earth also need to know that their loved ones are happy, pain free and love being in heaven. And they try to send signs about this every day to us.

PBR: As a Reiki practitioner, how has this influenced your writing?
I actually became a Reiki Practitioner, when I was almost done the book. I realized as I finished the book, I needed to get some credibility overall in various areas including REIKI. I honestly never knew I had some of the gifts I became certified in, but I realized it was part of the path I was to take, with the journey of finishing my book.

I recently became a Reiki Master. I LOVE doing healing work and am so grateful to have this gift. My specialty is “distance healing”. It’s all about energy anyways, from above thru me…to you. And it’s truly amazing to see how I can help people with various injuries and ailments.

PBR: What is the most difficult part about writing for you?
Finding the time to do it!! Being able to get the quiet time and inspirational space to be able to continue connecting with above to write more. But writing itself? It’s a gift, and I have an active imagination as well. When I write, I create the story in my head. It’s a movie I let unfold and visualize in my mind. And only then do I put it in words on paper – long hand. 😉 I love writing and only wish I could honor it more but giving it the time it deserves!

PBR: What is the significance of the title When Angels Play Poker?
The original title was “sometimes even angels can play poker” and one day I woke up and the first thing I thought of, out of nowhere, was “When Angels Play Poker”. I felt it was a great title that would draw people in, make them laugh or at least smile and get them intrigued to find out more…. And yes-there is a chapter when the angels playing poker 😉

I have a sales background. Thus I thought about how would I get people to pick MY book up over others? I think your book title and your cover is hugely impactful. I spent weeks on the design of my cover with the publisher.

PBR: Where do you get your inspiration from?
Honestly Nicole, for this book? It all came from above! And there are 2 more books to go along with this one. It’s a 3 part series! I already have parts of Book 2 and 3 in my head. I am letting Heaven guide me especially on book 3. Book 2 is a bit more “down on the earth plane”.

PBR: We will be entering into 2019 soon. Do you have any New Years’ resolutions?
#1 plan – to start working on Book 2. And to do more writing overall. And cut back on sugar….but not my coffee 😉

PBR: Do you have anything special that you’ll be focusing on for the new year?
I would
like to focus on doing some Radio Shows and Podcasts to talk about my current book and the overall message of the book “how loved we are from above”. I am hoping I can connect with the right shows to get this message out. I think many people need to hear that and find comfort in it, especially in the times we’re living in currently.

PBR: Do you have any future writing projects that you will be working on?
Just trying to start Book 2, hopefully writing some articles and letting whatever is to happen in 2019 unfold as the universe intends 😉

We certainly wish you the best of success, and thank you again for spending some time with us today..

Author’s Website