Title: Accelerating to Twilight – The Limits of Technology
Author: Greg Smith
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 978-1543426335
Pages: 270
Genre: Non-fiction

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Greg Smith, in his book Accelerating to Twilight, dares to challenge the idea that we must face a future where technology dominates and diminishes our lives. Using a wide-ranging review of our progress and creative history in the application of technology, he also clearly shows how we have reached the physical, social, economic, spatial, and even chemical limits in many of the key technological areas of our lives. This book contends that the future should be ours to define and explore in a lifecentric world, not spent in one of twilight, technological dominance, and ever increasing human irrelevance. There is a far better potential in a future that emphasizes the true worth of each of us, and that advocates for more meaningful jobs, social imperatives, and a more secure future for people around the world. This thought-provoking and challenging work lays the groundwork for tomorrow.

About the Author

Greg Smith has traveled most of his life professionally, for recreation and just to see over the horizon. People and the landscape are his passions and he is committed to working for the betterment of both through writing, advocacy and teaching people how to photograph the extraordinary world of nature and society. His education has been as diverse as his travels and he has taught formally in the US, Africa and the Middle East. He has found in all his travels that what is common among the people of the world is far greater than what is different, and in that lies the future.

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