Title: A New Day Beyond the Horizon
Author: K. Meador
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781543458978
Pages: 210
Genre: Fiction/ Historical

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World War II was on. Bombs were exploding over Austria, and Adele was a very young girl there. Hitler was in power. Across a big ocean and a thousand miles of land, there was a place called Texas. Paul was a Texas boy and was three years older than Adele. What could these two have in common, and how would they meet decades and a world of experiences later? What important things happened in their lives before and after they met? It is an amazing story!

About the Author

This author is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. To avoid any possibility of misleading the public regarding financial matters, the author is writing under an assumed name and clearly not making assertions pertaining to financial matters or particular institutions.

After his early years of working for a firm of Certified Public Accountants, the author spent the remainder of his career working in business and government. Positions held include working as a Manufacturing Cost Accountant, a Regional Controller, and a Director of Internal Audit, among others.

Far from being a typical accountant, just living with boring details, this author has sought and found adventures in foreign lands during exciting times. This experience has provided inspiration for writing interesting stories. Other experiences have likewise inspired more interesting stories.

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