Title: Thoughts from a Wealthy Perspective
Author: Sam Egube
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-50497-529-2
Pages: 152
Genre: Self-Help / Personal Growth / Success

Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert

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We all want to be wealthy and for the most part many of us chase wealth and success for much of our lives. Author Sam Egube has attained wealth and experienced the highs and lows that come with attaining success. He has held jobs that ranged from some of the lowest wage earners to ones earning wealth and respect. In his published work, Thoughts from a Wealthy Perspective, he disseminates his “wealth” of knowledge derived from his years of experiences and observations, told from his straightforward and very different perspective as a wealthy person.

Within his book author Egube posits using an empowering proactive approach to influencing and achieving a wealthier, happier position in one’s personal and professional life by thinking like a wealthy person. Throughout the book his voice comes through as knowledgeable and aptly experienced. He writes in a tone that urges, and at times almost cajoles one to action. He stresses the tenets of eliminating  excuses and complaints, taking action, embracing responsibility for defining one’s self and creating a better net worth in life by using the immediate resources that you have within you. He lives in the “here and now.” Just as it’s important to find support from your personal network derived from people you are in contact with, also it is to strengthen your relationship with God.

Author Sam Egube presents a skillfully written discourse, expanding and expounds on targeted topics, which completely embody the challenge of taking a bolder, renewed approach towards self-perception, relationships and taking complete responsibility for your position in life. This compelling book contains five chapters, each concerning topics that engender aspects of the author’s relevant experiences and insights, emphasized by true life examples and at times biblical references. Although valuable bits of guidance can be found in each of the book’s five chapters, I personally found Chapter One, Your Net Worth and Relationship, to be my favorite and most enlightening chapter. There were some “wow” moments of realization, which I took personally, resulting in changing how I perceived my personal net worth and looked at the relationships in my life.

Overall, I found Thoughts from a Wealthy Perspective to be a compelling read, which I highly recommend. It simultaneously engages, stuns, and challenges one’s mindset. The author’s writing and tone artfully conveys his points, often causing stirring moments of deep reflection. I must admit, at times while it was easy to eagerly imbibe his brew of notions, while at other times small sips were necessary because of their deeply complex philosophy. However it does take a strong, albeit startling, statement to move people to change their perspective. If you are interested in being wealthy, then a change in perspective is necessary, and reading this book is a good start.

In Thoughts from a Wealthy Perspective, the author, Sam Egube, lays out a series of ideas that will challenge the readers’ minds to think differently. Wealthy people just think differently from most people and view their world from a different perspective. Readers’ traditional wisdom and orientation are constantly upset and questioned by the thoughts shared out in the book, and sometimes almost provocatively. Life can be cold and impersonal. It’s just what it is. No hard feelings. Readers must forge ahead without the allure and comfort that great excuses give, which hold no promise of the desired outcomes, ignoring the distractions of biases encountered on the way, and endure the frustration that often want to send us back from our goals.

Sam Egube is a passionate believer in the responsibility of people to influence their future for good by taking action, beginning with the resources available to them in the now and the leverage, which their relationship with God and their network establishes. He is a thinker and a realist who is a keen observer of people and their ways, having navigated a series of twists and turns through life. His adult and professional life has seen him work in jobs as low as a refuse disposal coordinator and a bus driver in the streets of Lagos to as high as the corporate banking director of one of Nigeria’s systemically important banks. As a consultant with one of the global consulting firms, together with being a senior executive in the banking industry for over twenty years, Sam frequently offers personal consultations to top CEOs and entrepreneurs. He is a registered civil engineer with an MBA from IESE, University of Navarra, Barcelona. He is happily married to Edith, and they both have a lovely son, David.