Title: To You, Madam
Author: James Norman
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781524555788
Pages: 504
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Sam McCullough

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We all love a good love story. Most love stories feature a man and a woman falling for one another in a fantastic fashion, filled with flowers, fancy dinners and grand gestures. We all dream of ourselves having a love life like that, smiling during the good parts and rooting for the couple during the rough parts. This book is different from the typical love stories. There’s no bubble baths with flower petals. No steamy scenes. But there is a couple who fall in love, and then have to fight against the rest of the world together. They’re fighting together, but will they last long enough to be able to fight together forever? This might not be a normal love story, but it’s a story all romance fans will love and cherish.

Author James Norman creates believable and relatable characters in his novel titled To You, Madam. The leading man, Myles Covington, is dealing with family issues. His aunt keeps trying to set him up with a girl that is just not his type. Although his aunt has good intentions, Myles just isn’t interested. While he’s avoiding his aunt, he meets Brenda Mallory, a full-figured woman that’s full of intrigue. From then on, the novel follows the two main characters journey as they get to know each other. Brenda finds out that Myles is dealing with more than just normal family issues, while he finds out exactly what Brenda’s life is like. While reading, you’ll go through a range of emotions – happy, sad, angry, confused, and everything in between. You’ll be rooting for characters, rooting against characters, falling in love with characters, and learning to hate certain characters.

This is a story that you’ll feel in your bones. You may stay up way past your bedtime because you just have to find out what happens next. But once you finish the book, you’ll still be thinking about the story. Although this novel falls into the romance genre, it has features of other genres. To You, Madam has enough going on to be a drama, and has moments that make the story feel like you’re reading a comedy, it has scenes ripped straight out of the horror genre, and has things that get your blood pumping, just like a thriller. Even if you usually don’t read romance novels, you may find yourself interested in this one. The beautiful imagery throughout transcends any genre, leaving you with just a simply good love story.