Title: Why Believe It? Reasons and Evidence for the Faith
Author: John Huffman
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781984542175
Pages: 194
Genre: Religion / Christianity
Reviewed By: Rae C. Bernard

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As we continue on through life, we will remain a witness of a debate that is crucial to our spiritual well-being, which is God versus Science. It puts everyone in awkward positions as many of us don’t agree with each other and that’s okay. The most rewarded freedom is the ability to choose whatever you believe in, regardless of what anyone else thinks. But the question remains, will everyone choose God as our creator of the universe and mankind? Even with the borderline proof developed and contributed by the most determined scientists, more and more will stop and truly discover that science isn’t the way.

Faith is the strongest guide, right up there with hope because within our individual power that’s being extended to us from God, we have no reason to believe otherwise. Going back to the very beginning when God created the universe, scientists feed the world with information that’s based on their reversal calculations; the big bang theory began our existence. Whoever believes this theory to be true, we can only respect their thoughts and beliefs because that is freedom. The gift of being free, drawing our own conclusion just by looking at the marvels of life provides a level of security unlike any other. Are you confident on the side you’ve chosen to believe, or do you think there’s so much more to learn that might help your decision?

In Why Believe It? Reasons and Evidence for the Faith, author John Huffman begins his explanation with the comparisons and contrasts to both sides of this major argument of God versus Science. He provides evidence from sources that back up scientific theories as well as using scriptures from the Bible to support God’s way. The information has no means of forcing individuals to pick a side, nor is the author pushing his beliefs onto others; he’s remaining objective in the most respectful way. The notion that you’re not pressured to believe what anyone tells you but to have your own thoughts, without judgment, is something you’ll notice while reading.

For those who aren’t too sure in their decision, he also encourages to do your individual research so that you know you are in complete control. With verses from the Bible, we’re enlightened that God created Christ for our sakes, to handle all debt of our sins and many are confused on the thought that everyone reaped those benefits. One thing that stood out to me the most was mentioning the word Hebraism, something I never heard of, but informed me that most scriptures are written as a “figure of speech and should not be taken literally.” In knowing that, everyone would be able to reflect that misinterpretation is more common than not when reading the Bible.

Reading from both points of view along with provided evidence to prove their case, it’s no wonder many people have a difficult time coming to an understanding of choice. That is one of a couple of reasons why this book can enlighten you so that you’re equipped with insightful knowledge for your own better judgment. Author John Huffman also gave the reasoning for discernment and only wants his readers to know that everyone has the opportunity to change and do things according to faith. His interpretations of scriptures that aided his side of the debate will help everyone gain a bit of clarity because scriptures cannot be read directly, hidden messages exist within them.

The argument on why you should believe is well-written from beginning to end, researched, sourced, and credited appropriately, which will allow readers to decide on their own. I’ve learned so much as someone who reads their Bible every once in a while, which says a lot about me. I feel good in knowing that whatever sins that I’ve knowingly and unknowingly committed, I still have a chance for redemption.

I highly recommend everyone to truly grasp the message in this book and then you will know exactly what to do. That makes Why Believe It? Reasons and Evidence for the Faith to be a desperately needed resource for Christians everywhere. Your faith is your responsibility.

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