Title: A Diabetic Journey
Author: Donald Clifton Levy
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-6641-5296-0
Genre: Self Help/ Memoir
Pages: 182
Reviewed by: Nicole Olson

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Donald Clifton Levy’s autobiography, A Diabetic Journey, chronicles 71 years of living with diabetes. He begins his story by talking about his parents, specifically his mother’s influence on his care after being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.

Another monumental influence in Levy’s life was Dr. Mary Bellis Olney. Together with his mother Levy was taught by his doctor about maintaining his blood sugar and insulin levels. This book is truly eye opening about what it is like to live with a lifelong diagnosis. From a young age Levy learned how to take care of himself and what to do at the sign of any symptom.

An amazing thing that Dr. Olney created was a summer camp especially for diabetic children. Levy describes many fun memories at camp and what it was like to be a camper there. While his experience may be unique in that he was a young child learning to live with diabetes – many Americans can relate to going to summer camp and having a good time making friends away from home. Levy’s memoir also offers a glimpse into the dust past – he was a child in the thirties – a time without so many of the luxuries we may take for granted today.

The memoir reads like talking to a new friend who has plenty to talk about. On each page I learned something new and found myself laughing (and crying) throughout Levy’s story. While the book is about him – his mother is truly a hero and an inspiration. I have a small son and I truly want the world for him, motherhood can be such a trial but it is truly a rewarding experience. Levy’s mother worked tirelessly in caring for her son with type 1 diabetes and taught him everything he needed to know to care for himself.

Levy’s writing beams with pride for his family and doctors and their influence on his life. It is so refreshing and beautiful to read a wholesome memoir very closely concentrated on family life. Times have certainly changed and families do not stay together anymore. This book is an inspiration to all parents. Young adults can also learn a great deal from this book – not only about what life was like so many years ago but how to prioritize your health and your body. For someone like Levy – his life depended on it.

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