Title: A Pain in the Gut
Author: Joseph C. Way, BA, BD, MDiv
Publisher: Word Wright International
ISBN: 978-1-959071-86-0
Genre: Self-Help
Pages: 163
Reviewed by: Arthur Thares

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At first blush, this book sounds like a medical text about stomach pain, but it is far from
that. Author Joseph Way takes us on a journey through addiction, enlightenment, and
what it takes to get and stay sober. Even if you don’t think that you have a negative
relationship with drugs or alcohol, you are going to want to read this book. It may help
you in ways you’ve never thought about, but it may also help you help someone else.
Although the title isn’t exactly straightforward, A Pain in the Gut is a fairly
straightforward book about the perils of addiction and what it takes to overcome them.
Often, self-help books feel like a long sales pitch to get you to buy something else, but
you can tell that Joseph C. Way wrote this book from a place of genuine helpfulness.
The book finds a pleasant balance between talking about the roots of addiction, the
causes of growth, and ultimately what it takes to begin the recovery journey.

I think one of the best characteristics of this book is, despite Joseph C. Way’s
impressive credentials, the book doesn’t sound like a medical textbook. The tone is
conversational and light-hearted in some areas but never crosses the line into joking.
The way he conveys problems and solutions in addiction is clear and concise so that it
will make total sense to most readers. The construction of the book is also worth noting
as it has a very organic flow that smoothly transitions from introduction through cause
and effect and, eventually, solution.

This book is unlike most self-help books you will ever read, which is good. All too often,
self-help books feel like they are either a sales pitch or talking down to their readers, but
this book is neither. Instead, it is a genuine book based on the author’s research and
opinions to help those struggling with addiction and their family members. Even if you
don’t think that is you, this book has so much knowledge that it may help you in areas of
your life that you haven’t thought of. In addition, you may not need the knowledge now,
but it may come in handy somewhere else down the road. For that reason, I believe this
book is meant for everyone, and you have nothing to lose by soaking up the knowledge
that Joseph C. Way has to offer in A Pain in the Gut.

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