Title: A Revelation of God’s Calendar: Prophetic Spiritual Guidebook
Author: Rabbi Elliot Hass
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781669860556
Pages: 314
Genre: Religion / General
Reviewed by: Barbara Bamberger Scott

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Author and Rabbi Elliot Hass here propounds his diligently researched, sincerely held view of scripture, to open new pathways for those seeking a wider understanding of God’s law.

Elliot opens this wide-ranging treatise by suggesting many religious-minded people may see but ignore many festivals, laws and observances as being “just Jewish rituals.” Yet such commemorations are in accordance with what God decreed and established, not only in the Old Testament but through the appearance and example of Y’shua (Jesus). There are many examples of such decrees and the rituals which are connected to them, some linked to the seasons and specific days of each year – what Elliot calls God’s calendar. He offers a thorough picture of such significant customs as monthly and yearly calendars, baptism, circumcision, and communion. Many Christians claim a relationship to Abraham because he was a Gentile, but the author reminds readers that Abraham was chosen by God because he obeyed the statutes and laws set forth in the Torah.

One example of Elliot’s thesis concerns the custom of Rosh Chodesh – a monthly meeting that would begin at the time of the New Moon. Elliot conducted monthly meetings observing Rosh Chodesh at one point in his ministry, sharing a meal with other believers and extolling the blessings of the period. Yom Kippur, a well-known Jewish holy celebration, entails repentance and atonement for all misdeeds, and includes a day of fasting. Y’shua’s sacrifice was made to provide atonement for all his followers, yet He Himself also enacted the aspects of Yom Kippur with fasting and taking on the role of the sacrificial animal associated with that set of rituals.

Another aspect of Jewish practices centers on the rejection of certain foods as unclean. The author stresses that, though one may choose to eat as one wishes, the Lord’s designation of certain animals as unsuitable for consumption can provide a guideline for deeper consideration, as one strives to maintain both inner and outer purity.

Born into a Jewish family, Elliot became gradually committed to devotion to Jesus, a decision that caused him to explore various churches until, in 2006, he became a minister of Messianic Judaism. The material covered in this intellectually cohesive work will be appreciated by all who have pondered the differences and similarities between Old and New Testament happenings and teachings. Elliot makes a rational case for God’s attention and oversight throughout the Holy Bible, an inclusive perspective that he hopes can provide guidance to readers bent on understanding the unity of God’s peoples and the gifts that can be shared among them.




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