Title: Leaving Freedom to Find Peace: My Life’s Journey
Author: Donal H. Godfrey
Publisher: Glasslink Solutions
ASIN: 1983503975
Pages: 207
Genre: Memoir
Interviewed by: David Allen

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Author Interview: Donal H. Godfrey

Today we are talking to Donal H. Godfrey, author of “Leaving Freedom to Find Peace: My Life’s Journey.”

PBR: Tell us a little about yourself? Perhaps something not many people know?
I’m an introvert, somewhat a shy nerd. I get anxious when in a crowd of three or more.

PBR: What made you want to become a writer?
I am not a writer. I’m an activist that had a story to tell. Leaving Freedom to Find Peace: My Life’s Journey
is a book of my pinned up emotions and frustration. While pontificating with my friends, almost all would say I should write a book. As you know I was not the best student, but I decided I do the research and wrote the book.

PBR: What was the hardest part of writing this book?
The hardest part of writing the book was recalling some of the more tragic moments in my life, especially when my grandfather died, and Tiger. When reading the book I skip pass those two sections of the book because I start to cry each time.

PBR: What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
The END!

PBR: What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book?
My flair to humor and drawing conclusions through life experiences.

PBR: What is the key theme and/or message in your book “Leaving Freedom to Find Peace”?
We are not truly free until we free our minds. Once the mind is free, we will then come to a conclusion that Black Americans (Africans) were never suppose to be free so says the laws the United States past and present.

PBR: What do you hope your readers take away from this book?
Hope, dignity, pride, courage, focus, believe in yourself and follow your dreams.

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