Title: Probability Mechanics
Author: Louis M. Houston
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5462-1021-4
Pages: 74
Genre: Non-Fiction, Scientific Theory, Education

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Probability mechanics is a modified quantum mechanics, and it derives the modifications to physical quantities, including fields that determine whether these quantities are quantum mechanical or deterministic. Essentially, probability mechanics shows how information gets converted into energy through the propagation of probability waves through causal chains. Probability mechanics proves that the universe was not created by intelligence, and it proves that the gravitational field is deterministic and, therefore, not compatible with quantum mechanics.

About the Author

The author Louis Houston was recently a senior research scientist at the Louisiana Accelerator Center at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA and was in academia for twenty-two years. Prior to academia, the author was a research geophysicist for Exxon. He has three degrees, including a PhD in physics from Rice University in Houston, Texas. He is the author of multiple patents and has published four books and many technical papers. The author has a diverse range of interests which include painting and music. In both of these areas, the author has worked professionally. He has a strong interest in quantum mechanics and information theory, but also has a strong interest in philosophy. The author lives in Lafayette, Louisiana, has a mother and two sisters and maintains a close family relationship. He can be reached by email at houston@louisiana.edu

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