Title: The Strength of the Nation
Author: Luisa Mirella Plancher
Publisher: Greenberry Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1947995192
Pages: 152
Genre: Politics / Religion & Spirituality

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The Strength of the Nation is an excerpt from another manuscript, The Angel of the Lord, which will be published soon. Therefore, how do we make our nation great and strong? We do this by entering the same mindset of the prophets of old because the brilliance of discovery and the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are not our own but of the spiritual power above. Yes, indeed! We need to make America great and strong not only for our own sake but also for the sake of all the nations on Earth. And we need to see ourselves as the beacon of hope for humanity as the founders of this great nation did. From the events of September 11, 2001, we have learned that our international problems cannot be solved exclusively by diplomacy or military interventions. Instead, the major solutions are to be found in the Religious arena. Then we discover that, by closing our Mexican border with a great wall, we offer a safe environment for the Jewish and Arab populations to go back to their root, Abraham, and reconcile after thousands of years of conflict and strife. And the Jewish people in Israel will take it from here, for they will repent for having killed their King, Jesus Yeshua, and prepare for the Second Coming while assembling the Kingdom of the Lord.

About the Author

Luisa Mirella Plancher is an Italian School Teacher who married an American Citizen in 1970, and moved to the United States of America. In her new country, Luisa earned a Degree in Political Science and entered the area of Social Work.

In 1980 Luisa started writing The Angel of the Lord, which was completed in 1990. But, at that time she did not find a suitable Publisher. Then, the events of September 11, 2001, reinforced the author’s notion that today’s international problems cannot be solved by merely political or military interventions. Instead, the solutions reside in the Religious arena. Therefore she started revising her work.  And when President Donald Trump emerged in the Political scene, she realized that the Chapter titled The Strength of the Nation, matched with President Trump’s aspirations to make America great again.  It is then that she devoted her attention exclusively to The Strength of the Nation and she decided to publish this Manuscript first.

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