Title: Love Jamaican Style
Author: McDougal Griffiths
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-0-7388-5533-2
Pages: 126
Genre: Fiction

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LOVE JAMAICAN STYLE is an exciting and very original manuscript which will be enjoyed greatly. The author has presented an unusual novel which centers around the life and experiences of a young man, Merv. Although Merv already has a woman, a classmate of his (Angie) is deeply in love with him. After graduation, Angie arranges a job for Merv at an importing firm with the hope that he will return her love. Merv goes to work and soon discovers that this company is actually a front for a drug smuggling operation. When his boss realizes that he has learned the truth, he makes plans to kill him. The plot becomes further complex when Angie saves Merv; only to be murdered herself. It is only then that Merv realizes that Angie has always loved him, and he now seeks revenge by bringing the smugglers to justice!

A true story of passion and sizzling patriotic adventure as two college graduates find themselves thrown together in a deadly triangle of love, need, and greed..

Merv was unaware of the intensity of her passion all through the semesters until … she got him his first job and gave a lot more until she could give no more…now it was his turn.

Angie reached out for Merv in the cell; their bodies touched and passionate sparks flew as their lips met. All protests were silenced by the fires of their hungry kisses and urgent embraces.

Theirs was mutual need…”Oh Merv. Love me please, right now, right here. I don’t care, just love me.”

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