Title: Forever Yours: How It All Began: Book 1
Author: MeNitreis Holman
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1669816706
Pages: 292
Genre: Romance & Fantasy

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The series Forever Yours Book 1, How It All Began and Book 2, Broken Promises, is a real life experience between Tahleea Layton and Andre Hassan. The novels depicts the trials and tribulations of their relationship from dating to marriage with children. Tahleea Danielle Layton entered college on a full athletic scholarship. She never had time for friends because she was too busy being a student athlete. She takes her mother’s advice to enjoy the college experience by joining the guy she met during the athletic facility tour, for a campus party. Andre Khalid Hassan is the star wide receiver on his way to the draft. During football drills, he locked eyes with Tahleea as she walked past the field during her tour. He immediately claimed her as his. Little did they know that their relationship would endure a roller coaster ride full of twists, turns, hills, and valleys.

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