Title: Acceptable Abuse
Author: Namsam
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-6651-4655-0
Pages: 48
Genre: Memoir, Autobiography

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This book is a brief autobiography of my childhood years, with an abusive father. During an era in which corporal punishment was not only accepted, but at times expected. Almost anyone in authority could punish a child. In my case, my father encouraged others to do whatever they felt was necessary, to keep me in line. No one had to give me a reason. I would always question why, but never received an answer. The book also describes clever ways of surviving and fighting back, even though the cards were stacked against me. Physical abuse in public is not acceptable any more, but it still continues behind closed doors. My main purpose for writing on this subject, is to possibly help at least one person. You are not alone, and there is help available.

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