Title: Twist-a-Matic Theology: A Rebuttal From a Hebraic Perspective: Unraveling Long Forgotten Truths of the Scriptures
Author: Raymond Flowers
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 1664191542
Pages: 218
Genre: Non-Fiction

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Most of us view the Bible through the lens of whatever religion we were raised in. Many do not question what they believe or why they believe it. Some have a strong bias on what they believe and read that bias into the text of scripture, which can take away from the true meaning of the texts. After reading a critique of understanding the Bible from a Hebraic perspective called “Twist-a-Matic Theology” and seeing some of the bias of the author and blatant errors, this rebuttal came into fruition. Maybe it is time for a fresh perspective or a challenge to our beliefs. This book will challenge your understanding of scripture and hopefully shed some light on long-forgotten truths as we unravel the scriptures from a Hebraic perspective.

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