Title: It’s My Choice
Author: SM Chung
Publisher: Authors Press
ISBN: 978-1425192488
Genre: self-help / non-fiction
Pages: 177
Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert

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In this energy-based life every second of every day, we make choices, particularly by virtue of our thoughts, no matter how big or small.  We consciously make a choice with our thoughts, we are responsible for our thoughts, which in turn have consequences, as a matter of fact, your thoughts become “things” or rather your thoughts manifest your reality. This premise is aptly expressed In SM Chung’s recent work It’s My Choice, within which she shares her experiences with making choices along her spiritual journey, which led to her self-healing.

From the outset, author Chung primarily promotes the belief that by choosing to heal ourselves through self-love, it also heals the external world around you. By making the conscious choice to heal ourselves, from the soul level, we also choose to allow it to manifest through your actions and into your reality, which in turn by healing brings balance and wholeness to you and the world around you.

Moreover, this is a prolific work ripe with spiritual truisms based on thoughtful insights garnered from author SM Chung’s life borne experiences, the tangibility of which is expressed with an overview of pragmatism and honesty which readers will find resonate both in truth and in scope.

Retrospectively, Author Chung’s spiritually expansive journey starts with the unexpected death of her husband, which triggered her looking more deeply into her choices.  She examined her thoughts and her actions within the scenario and throughout the relationship. Consecutively, as the book progresses, we share her journey with her life as a widow, mother, daughter, employee, and friend delving into how free will, expectations, and the choices made by both ourselves and others can steer our lives toward greatness or disaster.

Overall, I enjoyed the work that author Chung posits through her narrative in It’s My Choice. This book made for a spiritually edifying read, worthy of adding to any metaphysical library. She presents a deeply insightful understanding of how the thoughts she chose to think in her life borne interactions became somehow expressed within her reality, making the overall premise explored in this compelling narrative “choose your thoughts wisely because thoughts become things,” a very plausible tenet of humanity’s spiritual reality.  Moreover, the book presents her story with a well-paced flowing narrative that readers will not become lost within the material because of unrelatable esoteric terms or wording, her story is simple to the point and well expressed, often giving insightful nuggets of worthwhile food for thought. I highly recommend this book as an addition to any library.

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