Title: More Misadventures of Bartholomew Crow
Author: Ken Dean
Publisher: Paper Leaf Agency
ISBN: 978-1638123477
Pages: 26
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Books
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

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Sometimes in life, the hardest lessons to learn are the ones that go against our very nature. The need to fight our baser instincts and learn to grow never comes easy, and yet when we are younger, sometimes the best way to learn these lessons is to make the mistakes which show us how not to act or behave in the future. One of those lessons that should be ingrained into all of us at such a young age is not to steal, and not to take things which don’t belong to us.

In author Ken Dean’s More Misadventures of Bartholomew Crow, the author uses a fun and imaginative story of a young crow named Bartholomew who finds himself hungry for a fresh egg for breakfast. Living near a farm, Bart takes it upon himself to try and steal an egg from a hen house, but gets into trouble when he runs into protective mother hens, angry roosters, and a defending farmer who will stop at nothing to keep Bart from getting his hands on one of those eggs.

The author did an amazing job of crafting a children’s book that was both educational and entertaining. This was a short yet powerful read for children and parents alike. The fun and warmth of the imagery allowed the reader to feel the stakes of the journey that Bart found himself on. The whimsy of his attempts for the egg helped underscore the scare and hilarity when he was ultimately caught, highlighting the lessons that the story was meant to teach to the reader. The relatability of the story’s setting with the farm will draw the younger readers in, while the animals serving as the cast of characters will delight and entertain the reader instantly.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy children’s books, in particular those who enjoy short and fast-paced children’s reads that teach a lesson and stoke the imaginations of those children reading the book. The creativity with the author’s character development and even naming of the locations will keep the readers enthralled, and the beautiful artwork will speak to the whimsy and thoughtful approach to the narrative as a whole to the reader.

Memorable, thoughtful, and entertaining, author Ken Dean’s More Misadventures of Bartholomew Crow is a must-read children’s book. The mischievous nature of Bart’s adventure and the hilarious way the journey highlights the consequences of stealing will both delight children and keep parents thrilled with the lessons being taught. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!

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