Title: Nighttime Fantasy
Author: Suzanne M. Shields
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-7283-7285-3
Pages: 26
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book
Reviewed by: Barbara Miller

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Sometimes the expression “Less is more” plays out, and by no means is Nighttime Fantasy by author Suzanne M. Shields any “Less” of a book, but rather being a captivating short bed-time read, this book has much more of an impact than books of longer length.

I was immediately intrigued upon seeing the cover art and layout of this very creative and original book. The illustrations of the monsters, along with the cool-way the galley text is laid-out, makes this a very inviting book to open. Then reading the poem, short but sweet, made sense to formulate the whole synergistic combination of poetry and pictures – and the impression of an unforgettable lesson for children to learn at bedtime.

Many children believe monsters lurk in their bedroom; in the closet or on the walls, on the floor or ceiling, and come to “life” when the light is turned off. This is more of a common anxiety than most people tend to admit. Yet for those youngsters it is very real, scary, and totally overwhelming. So much so that often a quick scatter out of their bedroom and into their parent’s room to snuggle up to their mother, is their only remedy. Nighttime Fantasy offers another solution.

By reading this to young children will in fact lessen their frightfulness at bedtime, and as a consequence, offer the parent a good night’s sleep as well. The artwork in this story is incredible. Really. I would suggest all readers of this review find their way to click upon the link to view the cover and inside jacket – and you will see what I am writing about.

In a similar genre of the movie Monsters, Inc. the illustrator draws these creatures to be the perfect blend of frightening and comical. Not any “blood and guts” or gory zombie or vampire types, but illustrations so interesting, readers will undoubtably need to pause and observe all of the hidden details within the characterizations of these creatures. I absolutely love them.

As a literary tool to help children cope with a common fear of creatures hiding in the dark when their bedroom light is turned off, Nighttime Fantasy will become invaluable in its message, theme, and memorable presentation. It is these little things which will make a big difference in the peacefulness and calmness at bedtime, and keep the monsters where they belong – in the artist’s imagination, not in the minds of children.

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