Title: On a Stormy Day: Book Three
Author: Andrew W. Choi
Publisher: PageTurner, Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1649080745
Pages: 188
Genre: Literature & Fiction / Non-fiction / Christian Studies
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

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As people age and mature, there comes a point in everyone’s lives where we seek answers to the mysteries of our direction in life, or what some would call destiny. For some, they seek out a mentor who has lived the life they always envisioned for themselves and attempts to mimic their path. For others, they seek the advice of loved ones and family who can encourage them or show them a different path altogether. For many, the answers to their problems in life often comes from faith, seeking a higher power to guide them through spiritual leaders and religious texts.

In author Andrew W. Choi’s On a Stormy Day: Book Three, the author takes readers on an exploration of the idea of Jesus Christ becoming the navigator and captain of a person’s life. Through biblical passages and texts, the author shares examples of times in which Jesus and God worked to share the paths in life that were meant for people to walk down, and through these passages the author hopes to share how a person handing over control of their life to God can allow him to calm the storms gathering in life.

The author did a fantastic job of providing a well-researched and engaging book. The emphasis on calm and courage in the face of adversity not only supported the authors assertion of trusting in God himself when dealing with hardships, but encouraged people to trust themselves through their faith to find the means of overcoming their struggles. The hopeful tone the author strikes through these passages was widely felt, and the wealth of information the author utilized for this book was well presented in a commanding yet heartfelt writing style.

This is the perfect read for non-fiction readers, especially those who enjoy non-fiction reads based on faith and religion, in particular Christianity. I also liked the inclusion of modern-day situations and historical moments in the author’s work, as it highlighted the ways in which our history and culture throughout this world has left the blueprints for how to handle everything from crisis and depression to utilizing iconography to inspire hope in others.

Heartfelt, moving, and enlightening, author Andrew W. Choi’s On a Stormy Day: Book Three is a must-read non-fiction Christian studies and Christian life book. The authors meticulous usage of biblical references mixed with history and culture allowed for a well-balanced reading experience, and the quick pace blended well with the hopeful undertones the author’s messages were getting across.

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