Title: Pestilence (Second Son Chronicles Book 3)
Author: Pamela Taylor
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
ISBN: 978-1684334810
Pages: 233
Genre: Renaissance Historical Fiction/Medieval Historical Fiction/Historical Fantasy
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

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One of the biggest threats to a person or nation in power is corruption. No matter how much money or how much power a person amasses, corruption always leads to the downfall of any great powerhouse, from the Roman Empire onward. As Cory Booker once said, “If you look at great human civilizations, from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union, you will see that most do not fail simply due to external threats but because of internal weakness, corruption, or a failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse.”

In author Pamela Taylor’s Pestilence, the third book in the Second Sons Chronicles, the author takes readers into the age of Medieval Times. The protagonist, Alfred, has discovered that upon his father’s passing, his brother John has been named King. The fears of not only Alfred but everyone in the kingdom soon become true, as John’s brutal style of rule leads to shattered alliances, and soon Alfred’s life and family are thrust into danger he never thought possible. Alfred will soon be forced to examine what’s truly important in his life and what he’s willing to sacrifice to protect those most important to him.

This is a fantastic ride into the Renaissance era. Author Pamela Taylor expertly crafted a tale that feels authentic and yet wholly original to the era of history the story operates in. The balance of family and political drama with action and suspense was felt in every page of this novel, and the author does a wonderful job of illustrating the various aspects of life in those days; both from the royal perspective and those of the common people that are ruled. Watching the slow descent of the kingdom and the respect for the crown as John ushers in his own rule makes for an incredibly powerful read, and adds fuel to the growing drama between the two brothers and the families as a whole.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy historical fiction, especially those occurring during the Medieval and Renaissance eras, and those that involve both political and family drama and historical fiction suspense. As a fan of the genres, it was easy to get invested in this growing story, even though I had not read the previous two entries in the series. While the first two books would provide context for the characters and setting, the author writes in a way which allows readers both old and new to enjoy the narrative.

Overall, this is a masterful story that really felt authentic and creative. Author Pamela Taylor’s Pestilence is a fantastic entry into this historical fiction series, and keeps an even pace throughout the novel. With a shocking ending that leaves readers hanging on the author’s every word, this is the perfect story for any reader of the genre to enjoy.

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