Title: Plague of the Zombie Girl
Author: J.W. Delorie
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1643612539
Pages: 340
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Reviewed by: Aly Avina

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Over recent years, there has been an explosion in the zombie-genre, and while there are always hits and misses when taking on a wildly popular plotline like zombies taking over the world, Plague of the Zombie Girl by author J.W. Delorie is not only a hit but definitely a fresh take on this genre overall. The way this author weaves an intricately told story together which fits the science fiction realm perfectly while still being a fast-paced and entertaining read for its young adult audience is absolutely fantastic.

To start the story off, we meet Dr. Ofner who is awaking and recounting just how he got there. See, when Dr. Ofner and Dr. Gorn had an experiment go horribly awry years before, the consequences were catastrophic and changed the entire way the world operated and lived. This experiment caused Dr. Ofner to be able to live a much longer time inadvertently but…it also made every living girl in the world into a zombie. From there on out, the male scientists of the world had to come together to create an artificial female race and any newborn babies were created in a lab. These babies are referred to as “tubers” and have never seen a living woman since this chaotic event changed the course of the future. Meanwhile, Dr. Ofner has been using his accidental extended life span to try to fix the error in Dr. Gorn’s experiment and get the women of the world back to the world of the living instead of the cannibalistic zombies they are now known to be.

Enter Ethan, a man sent on a near-impossible mission to bring the first natural blooded girl — created by Dr. Ofner and his team — from Old England to Dr. Claments in New Vegas safely. This is in hopes of finding the cure of the estrogen plague caused by the Gorn gene a.k.a. the experiment that went horribly wrong, turning the female race into zombies. It is a deadly but crucial mission he finds himself on and he is determined to do whatever it takes to get it done. During the events that take place on his journey with the girl, he must protect her from others who know of his important cargo in tow. It is a heart-pounding adventure that will have any reader eager to keep turning the pages to find out the fate of the world as we know it.

For anyone who enjoys sci-fi/fantasy novels, particularly of the zombie variety, this book will immediately take you into a gritty world with action, adventure, and intrigue abound. Plague of the Zombie Girl by J.W. Delorie is a page-turner and not a book you will soon forget. Trust me on this one!

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