Title: Prelude to War: Thumar Saga 3
Author: M. Timothy Murray
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1669849216
Pages: 572
Genre: Fantasy Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

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From the action, the narration, the arrangement of occurrences, the layout of chapters, and the choice of characters, one can tell that Prelude to War: Thumar Saga will be a terrific read from the onset. The book is uniquely written, with the author focusing on unconventional themes, pristine penmanship and writing format. Science fiction lovers will enjoy the book mainly because the author went out of his way to write about diverse tales. Subjects on war and politics are common in this genre, but M. Timothy Murray

was different with the topics. Technology, geography, female empowerment, dominion, and history are some subjects highlighted in the story which I found impressive.
Prelude to War: Thumar Saga 3 is about life in Thumar, a country periodically hit with natural and man-made disasters. Thumarians are wonderful people, though. Minus a few elements, Thumarians are patriotic, kind and accommodating people. Thumar is led by President Remor Andehar, a man, who sees a vision for the people he leads and would do anything to keep his country intact. However, things are easy for President Remor Andehar as he faces opposition and is challenged by antagonists who threaten to tear down what has been built for ages. Thumar is not the only exciting place in the book, as the Lelayan continent is also interesting.

The first chapter starts with drama in Thumar as disaster strikes. Thumar is a reasonably decent country with a rich culture and one where its citizens enjoy living. Besides the usual oversights in a country, Thumar sounds like a fine place. One of the first characters that the reader is introduced to is Derak. I particularly like Derak because of his conversational skills and how competent he appears. Derak is cordial to everyone and knows how to handle his rivals. He is also knowledgeable, and rarely will you find him in a mess that he created. Ambassador Derak is a great team player, and the reader gets to experience the best of him with every new chapter. Together with the president and other high-level individuals, Derak has to fight a common enemy to maintain what he finds dear to him, his home.

Reading through the action, drama, disappointments and battles which the great men of Thumar have to go through was entertaining, as it showed how committed man can be to save what he treasures. I enjoyed the storylines on the Anean Coast, the forgotten war, the experience in the Venteran Islands and the plot twists which were revealed in the last chapters. My favorite of all was, however, the multiple tales of The Orion Syndicate. To say that M. Timothy Murray is an exceptional writer would be an understatement, as his book is gripping and entertaining. With every new storyline is a character that you have a love-hate relationship with or find fascinating to the end.

I recommend Prelude to War: Thumar Saga 3’to readers who enjoy war stories and graphic tales, and readers who are enthusiastic about extreme tension, thrillers, mystery, adventure, and fantasy fiction.

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