Title: Requiem For a Queen (Gehenna Book 3)
Author: Kaylin McFarren
Publisher: Creative Edge Publishing LLC
Pages: 360
Genre: Occult Horror
Reviewed by: Alyssa Avina

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Something which has always been truly fascinating is whether or not our parents or genetics truly define us, or if our actions are truly our own. The divide between good and evil, right and wrong, always seems to bring up questions of whether or not a person is beholden to the way they are raised, the people who birthed them, or the genes that make them who they are. One of the most creative ways to explore this dilemma in our society seems to be fiction, and one genre that has mastered this has to be the occult horror genre.

In author Kaylin McFarren’s Requiem For a Queen, the author explores this question through the story of Samara and her son Papi. The third book in the hell-bending series Gehenna, the author shares the story of Samara, one of the Nephilim who has recently escaped from a nightmarish experience as a prisoner and then wife to Lucifer in Hell. However, as she prepares to give birth to his son, she must contend not only with her newfound motherhood, but a brewing war between the forces of heaven and hell. As Lucifer’s daughter fights to regain control of the throne of hell, Samara must escape one hellish nightmare after another, all while trying to protect her son and find a means of making sure he doesn’t become the menacing evil his father is.

The author continues her long-running experience as a horror writer to bring the balance of occultism and fantasy-driven world-building which this series has become known for. One thing of note to readers is that this is definitely a mature series, and there are some trigger warnings of abuse and sexual assault that need to be addressed for future readers who may be new to this series. As there are significant sections of story that delve into the mythos of hell and demons, instances of torture and assault do arise, so be advised. However, despite this, the author’s creativity and rich mythology development was both chilling and adrenaline-fueled, keeping the reader invested in the morality balance that protagonist Samara had to undergo. The evolution of her character and the discovery of her own power make for a truly engaging read.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy horror novels, especially those that enjoy occult horror and elements of fantasy world-building storytelling. The haunting atmosphere and tensions the author was able to infuse into this story did a great job of producing both action and spine-chilling interactions, as well as equally haunting character growth and development that kept the story flowing smoothly.

Thrilling, captivating, and brilliantly written, author Kaylin McFarren’s Requiem For A Queen is a must-read occult horror novel and the perfect next book in this growing series. The balance of horror scares and diverse character growth really elevated this growing conflict in the series to all new heights, and the introduction to equally disturbed villains like the Black Dragon was something that will keep readers hanging off of the author’s every word.

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