Title: Snowfall In Virginia: A Chris Hamilton Novel
Author: Jim Davidson
Publisher: Rockford Road Publishing
ISBN: 979-8-9870756-4-7
Genre: Mystery / Romance
Pages: 270
Reviewed by: Arthur Thares

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The title Snowfall in Virginia sounds like a great love story, but this is much more than a romance novel. You will find the perfect balance of romance, murder, and mystery within these pages. There is much to unravel to truly explain why this book is as good as it is.

The story begins as unassuming as any other, with the main character, Chris, wooing a new girlfriend who happens to be the daughter of a business partner. It turns out that the already successful Chris is also about to come into a treasure left by his estranged father which will change his life and the lives of those around him. Like any other treasure, it comes with its fair share of headaches, including a soon-to-be ex-brother-in-law who refuses to divorce Chris’ sister because he wants part of the jackpot. To make matters worse, Chris’ best friend is missing, and Chris is accused of a murder he swears he didn’t commit. When the truth comes to light, it is far worse than anyone could ever expect.

Reading this book felt like reading someone’s diary, not in a way that feels violating but in a way that you get insights into someone’s thoughts. In many ways, this book plods along in the first half as a procedural that you would believe is a true story, then somewhere in the last third of the story, things get very real, very fast. While some may think this is amateur storytelling, I think it shows a true talent in author Jim Davidson. It is almost like a roller coaster which lulls you into a sense of security before you drop unexpectedly. The story walks a beautiful line between storytelling and character building, making you hope that this isn’t the last you hear of these characters. It would be nice to have the second half of the book fleshed out a bit more, but that would also make the book a little longer than needed.

In a world where it seems like every story has been told, Snowfall in Virginia seems to thread the needle to tell a familiar story that you’ve never read before. It is an enjoyable story from start to finish, with a theme which seems to change as the story evolves. It is hard to pin down a genre, but this story is a mystery at its core. Even if you aren’t a traditional mystery fan, give this book a chance because it is much more than a mystery story or a romance, and its genre-bending makes for a complete story that almost everyone will love.



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