Title: Drow Heritage Unleashed: Son of Light, Son of Darkness
Author: Bob Perrill
Publisher: Bob Perrill Publishing
ISBN: 978-1959173427
Pages: 437
Genre: Action & Adventure Fantasy
Reviewed by: Christina Avina

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Some of the toughest, most impactful secrets a person can discover is about their true heritage. Far more often than not, a person can go through their entire life believing one truth about themselves, only to discover that the life they thought they knew was a lie, and they are part of something far greater or different than they could have ever imagined. How often are those truths a good thing? How often do these truths lead us to find our best possible selves?

This is the question which is raised when an elf discovers his father is a drow, or a dark elf, in author Bob Perrill’s Drow Heritage Unleashed: Son of Light, Son of Darkness. Taking a young man torn in two by the discovery of his true heritage, the story finds the young elf forced to travel with his dark elf father into the caverns, and as a healer, the elf finds his world view challenged at every turn in the underground world of the drows. Will the young elf’s journey be the bridge between the two elf factions? Can he survive in the harsh reality that is the drow’s world? Only this epic tale can bring the truth home.

Speaking to classic themes of family secrets, a hero torn between two worlds, and the grass always being greener on the other side of the fence, this narrative really did an incredible job of capturing the rich character development that really grounded the more fantastical elements of the story. Yet the fantasy elements really popped as well, allowing the mythos and world-building to grow the history between the light and dark elves, and allowed the action and suspense of the story to infuse into the writing of the book. This is a book meant to speak to fans of sci-fi and fantasy, as well as classic action and adventure stories that bring readers on a long, perilous journey.

The skillful and engaging way the subplots came together in a natural way, as well as the growth of the protagonist as he fought to maintain his values while also viewing the drows in a whole new light made this story feel vibrant and alive on the page. Author Bob Perrill’s Drow Heritage Unleashed: Son of Light, Son of Darkness, is a must-read fantasy and adventure story that will transport the reader to this vibrant yet dark and compelling world. The twists in the story will give readers hope for a sequel, and hone in on the protagonist’s evolution as a character in a positive light.

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