Title: Soul Inspirations: A Journey for the Divine
Author: Kiana LaShayia
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1984577450
Pages: 170
Genre: Poetry, Religion, Spirituality
Reviewed by: Leah Shepherd

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Like a hearty meal shared with family, this book of religious poetry serves as food for
the soul. It brings a genuine Christian perspective to important life lessons that are as
timely today as they always have been.

The poetry addresses universal themes, such as love, disappointment, hardship,
perseverance, patience, loneliness and prayer. In the section on grief and death,
LaShayia explains how all of our difficult losses in life have a purpose and something
that we gain from it. She also discusses how forgiveness brings freedom to the person
who forgives.

Her voice is inspiring and earnest as she urges readers to seek God in prayer and
surrender to God’s will. She knows and recognizes the temptations which make this
very difficult. “Igniting your passions for more, pray until you hear from the king. He will
be ready to tell you everything you need for an incredible destiny,” she writes.
The book often emphasizes trusting God and maintaining hope for a better future,
despite the challenges in life. “We lose hope in man daily, but our faith in God will never
fail us,” LaShayia writes. “Do not allow the evils of this world to convince you that there
is no God.”

As a black woman, LaShayia speaks persuasively about the need for peace and social
justice during a time when many people in the United States are mourning the loss of
black men killed by police. Several poems call for a unity that transcends race. She
believes God is capable of healing racial wounds and trauma. Pride is what divides

Since the book heavily relies on Christian teachings and liturgy, it’s best suited to
readers who are familiar with Christianity. It has honest thoughts, done in the vernacular
of the poetic license allowing for her nuances of the use of the English language which
conveys her messages. Readers seeking new and original books of modern-day poetry
would be best to pick up a copy of Soul Inspirations: A Journey for the Divine for

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