Title: The Naked Queen
Author: Alan R. Hall
Publisher: Lettra Press LLC
ISBN: 978-1645521099
Pages: 264
Genre: Science Fiction Erotica / Science Fiction / Fantasy
Reviewed by: Christina Avina

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Before the time of democracy and the rule of the people, the world’s governments were ruled quite differently. Most had monarchies, family-driven leadership under a King or Queen (or sometimes both), and the rule of these kingdoms were often defined by either heroism, deception, or power-hungry dictatorships. The lure of power which comes with the throne has often been depicted in our modern day entertainment, and while a few monarchies still reside, the power they hold is not quite to the same stature as the days in which assassins hid in the shadows and wars were begun with a mere misstep in conversation.

In author Alan R. Hall’s The Naked Queen, the author explores one of these eras through the lens of a traveler who seeks the wisdom of the newly crowned King Arthur of Britain. In the year AD 1147, Arthur meets a traveler named Darien, who comes to him from a kingdom unknown to Arthur known as Tabithia. Upon arrival, the stranger reveals himself to be the son of the Naked Queen, otherwise known as Syrenya. She became the queen after arriving suddenly in the kingdom, after a terrible series of tests befell innocent women at the hands of a monstrous king. However not everything was as it seemed, and soon the Naked Queen’s arrival would spurn a sordid tale of lies, deception, and bizarre experiences which would rock the entire kingdom to its core.

The author did quite an incredible job of crafting a unique and powerful fantasy tale. Initially, fans will be shocked at the near erotic direction the story takes them, and the equally shocking horrors the King of this kingdom inflicts on innocent women. Yet the story shifts upon Syrenya’s arrival, and as she quickly becomes the King’s consort and future Queen, she discovers the hidden truth that no one knew before. The way the author was able to build upon the eroticism of the story and craft a fully-fledged, well-designed world and mythology and pair it with the classic Arthurian legends was amazing to read, and spoke highly to the author’s creativity and powerful writing.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy fantasy, especially fantasy that leans into the erotica genre and has hints of sci-fi as well. As a fan of fantasy storytelling, as well as classic Arthurian legends, it was great to see the world-building and the equally powerful character development that fleshed out this world and made the idea of King Arthur’s Camelot as a real location and period of time so much more tangible than ever before. The additional magic and spiritual aspects of the narrative only helped to enhance and elevate the story.

Harrowing, electric, and mind-bending, author Alan R. Hall’s The Naked Queen is a must-read erotic fantasy novel that readers will not want to miss. Full of intrigue and incredible settings, the author expertly weaves a tale of mystery and adventure which could rival any modern-day fantasy world, and yet holds an equal amount of adult storytelling to keep mature readers invested in the story.

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