Title: The Power of Wellbeing: A blueprint for rebuilding the social fabric and reimagining an inclusive society
Author: Clive Elliott
Publisher: Cogent Publishing
ISBN: 978-0925776501
Pages: 235
Genre: Human Rights Law / Globalization & Politics
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers
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Change is one of the most fundamental building blocks of daily life. The need for change is constant, as it is a means of showcasing our ability to grow and learn from our past and present circumstances to improve our futures. The difficult thing is when society, as a whole, clings to the things that make us comfortable and feel safe; for change often represents the unknown, and the unknown can bring with it fear and danger in many people’s eyes. However, as John F. Kennedy once said, “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

In author Clive Elliott’s The Power of Wellbeing: A blueprint for rebuilding the social fabric and reimagining an inclusive society, the author hopes to present a blueprint for hope in a better society. Utilizing experiences from his home nation, the author hopes to introduce a reassessment of the institutions and systems we have all come to know in our lives, and adapt them in the age of the post-pandemic world. Looking at ways of allowing the general population to thrive and grow without sacrificing the core values of equality, trust, and empathy, the author introduces practices from their own experiences which could hold sweeping changes that could affect even the US and UK.

The author did a phenomenal job of bringing an honest, professional, and well-researched book. The writing is equally balanced with a personable and engaging voice, with clear-cut and precision research and development allowing the author’s knowledge and experience to shine through. What really stood out to me, as a reader, was the underlying theme of humanity which ran through the educational and thought-provoking facts the author provided. The overall tone of the non-fiction read felt very empathetic and hopeful for the betterment of mankind, and this tone allowed readers to feel connected to the book much more than other books in this field.

This is the perfect book for those who enjoy non-fiction reads, especially those who enjoy reads dealing with global politics, human rights, and humanities studies as a whole. The way the author was able to bring personal experiences and a rich sense of culture through the study of New Zealand and Maori projects in juxtaposition to the ways in which the United States handled the initial outbreak of COVID-19 was fascinating to study, and the underlying current of the pandemic world we have lived in for so long was something which made the story feel even more relevant than before.

Thought-provoking, engaging, and mesmerizing, author Clive Elliott’s The Power of Wellbeing: A blueprint for rebuilding the social fabric and reimagining an inclusive society is a must-read non-fiction book and a brilliant examination of the foundations of social structure and the betterment of society as a whole through, and putting the people ahead of political and corporate goals. The thought process and research the author put into the book was commendable, and the humanity that flowed through the author’s tone and delivery made this such a heartwarming and hopeful read.

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