Title: The Price of Thorns
Author: Tim Susman
Publisher: Argyll Productions
ISBN: 978-1614505808
Pages: 632
Genre: LGBTQ+ Fantasy / Fiction
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

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Pacific Book Review

One of the hardest lessons to learn in this world is that the truth will always find a way of coming out. Whether there is a deep secret we must keep hidden from the rest of the world, or if there is an innocent lie by omission which comes up in our lives, the truth will always find a way of coming out, either by sheer force of will or the invention of others. How these truths come to light is what determines the power they hold over us.

In author Tim Susman’s The Price of Thorns, the truth becomes a powerful light in the face of the darkness an entire kingdom’s lies is consumed by. A talented thief named Nivvy finds his run of bad luck may just be over when he meets a mysterious woman named Bella. Wearing an ancient dress, the woman hires Nivvy to use his skills as a thief to take back the kingdom which rightfully belongs to her. Yet not all is made clear when the job is taken. Hoping to use this job to propel him back into the good graces of the Thieves Guild, he must wrestle with his choices when ancient stories become connected to Bella, and the world he thought he knew changes drastically.

The author does such a fantastic job of world building in this novel. The rich mythology of the world that the author has created here made the story feel fresh and alive on the page, with the evolving relationship between Nivvy and Bella becoming a central focus to the narrative. Her manipulations and his thieving ways often bring them into combative dialogue, and the way the author is able to ramp up the tension while not straying away from the world building was fantastic to see. The epic journey that Nivvy goes on and the relationships he forms along his journey, as well as the physical impact this adventure has on him overall, speak to the magic and danger of this epic world.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy fantasy driven narratives, especially those that explore themes of dark fantasy, LGBTQ+ storytelling, and elements of folklore as well. The character arcs were greatly brought to life on the page, especially the long-running history between Bella and Scarlet, two powerful figures with a long history which has driven apart an entire kingdom with their secrets and lies, making this a well-executed mystery as well.

Memorable, captivating, and engaging, author Tim Susman’s The Price of Thorns is a must-read LGBTQ+ and Dark Fantasy read! The twists and turns in the narrative, as well as the wealth of mythology and world-building that went into this story and the incredible character arcs that will keep readers invested and eager for the next chapter in this brand-new world.

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