Title: Viglets: Ode to Dumbness
Author: Viggo P. Hansen
Publisher: AuthorHouse; Illustrated edition
ISBN: 978-1467062459
Pages: 84
Genre: Humor & Entertainment
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

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With so much chaos, sadness, and grief layering the fabric of our world at times, there is a need for lightheartedness and entertainment now more than ever before. The need to distance ourselves from those things that upset and make us fearful has never been more powerful, and one way that many people find themselves able to distance themselves from their personal problems is through humor. The ability to laugh out loud quite literally allows for people to feel a lightness overcome them in that moment. As Clive James once said, “Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.”

In author Viggo P. Hansen’s Viglets: Ode to Dumbness, the author takes readers into the second book in his short humor series to examine the idea of “dumbness.” This lighthearted and funny book gives readers the opportunity to interact with – and engage with – the material directly, allowing for the frustrations of everyday dumbness to be written down and called out in an effort to make light of those instances, and bring some humor and heart into the reader’s life. From taking stock of how to look at the levels of “dumbness” a person can exude to the different types of dummies a person will encounter in their everyday lives, this book provides the sweet relief from reality that so many people can use in this day and age.

The author did an incredible job of capturing the heart and themes that one would expect from a short humor book. The author’s writing style is both artistic and highly creative, weaving together a cohesive narrative.  Surrounding the idea of dumbness and dummies is no easy feat, and yet the amount of material this world gives us is endless, which the author pounces on perfectly. The visuals that the author’s use of imagery allows for a much more engaging reading process, enabeling for readers to conjure up these situations the author has alluded to so eloquently and with gusto.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy humor based books, especially those that enjoy short humor books which also engage the reader mentally and emotionally. The author’s ability to communicate so much information into this humorous read, from the measure of what constitutes a dummy and the levels of which a person can exude dumbness, to the different types of dummies, from everyday dummies to professional dummies and beyond, make this such a fun and engaging book.

Thoughtful, funny, and entertaining, author Viggo P. Hansen’s Viglets: Ode to Dumbness is a must-read non-fiction humor book and a great second book in the Viglets series. The authenticity and wit the author displays in this book highlights the humor in both subtle and obvious ways all at once, and allows for a well-rounded and captivating book which will have readers laughing heartily.

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