Title: Galadria: Peter Huddleston and the Rites of Passage
Author: Miguel Lopez de Leon
Publisher: Maurice D. Johnson
Pages: 184, Paperback
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Interview with Miguel Lopez de Leon

index~~element29We are talking with Miguel Lopez de Leon, author of the Galadria series.







1. PBR:  What was your inspiration for writing the Galadria series?

I just wanted to create a new world full of hope, courage, danger, magic and adventure. I also really wanted to see a protagonist who was an everyday boy who found his own self worth by overcoming obstacles in an enchanted realm.


2. PBR:  Once you completed the first book, how did you decide on the direction that the Galadria series would take?

Well, I wanted to be realistic, so I knew that, as a crown prince, Peter would need to be trained to fulfill his duties. But I also wanted fun and adventure. Peter is very curious, so that curiosity puts him in exciting, and sometimes dangerous situations.


3. PBR:  Which book of the trilogy was the hardest to write and why?

I suppose the first book “Galadria: Peter Huddlston & The Rites of Passage” was the most challenging to write. It was where everything had to be set up.


4. PBR:  Which book was the easiest to write and why?

Book 3, the final book of the trilogy, “Galadria: Peter Huddleston & The Knights of the Leaf” was the easiest to write because by that time I knew the characters and the world they lived in, so it all took on a natural progression.


5. PBR:  If you decided to write Peter as an adult how would you, portray him?

Wow…I suppose….honestly I don’t know. He would definitely fulfill his duties in Galadria and help his aunt rule the Golden Realm. As an adult Peter would have grown into a very courageous leader…strong, kind, daring…but he would always be a little lonely, and a little afraid of the responsibility he had, which makes him real. But I also know Aunt Gillian, Monty and Rune would be at his side every step of the way.


6. PBR:   Did you have a specific goal when writing the series?

I did. I just wanted to write a story about overcoming obstacles and finding ones own self worth. While promoting Book 1, “Galadria: Peter Huddleston & The Rites of Passage”, I met so many kids who felt so bad about themselves. They just basically didn’t think they were good enough. I wanted to continue with a series of books that told them that not only were they good enough, but that they were unique, exceptional, and perfect, exactly how they were.


7. PBR:  Would you consider writing another series?

I actually just wrote a new fantasy book called “Carry the Knight”, and am currently writing it’s sequel, “Dawn of the Knight.” It’s about a writer with a fairy guardian angel. He is destined to write a book that changes history…if he can survive his own insecurities.


8.  PBR:  Have you considered writing books of other genres?

Not really. I love fantasy books, and I know it’s where ideas from that world come more naturally to me.


9. PBR:  What would be your best advice to writers new to writing YA fantasy?

I would never presume to give anyone advice, but if I had to, I guess I would just say to write a story that comes from the heart. A story is a story, regardless of genre. So as long as it is something you really believe in and want to express…go for it!


10. PBR:   Do you have any projects you are currently working on?

Yes, I have written three new fantasy books since the Galadria Fantasy Trilogy… “The Unicorn,” about twin boys who witness the fall of the family they love, and “Carry the Knight,” and it’s sequel “Dawn of the Knight,” about a writer who befriends his guardian-fairy-bodyguard because he has to live long enough to write a book that influences certain powerful individuals, and changes the future of mankind.