Title: Presence Driven
Author: Paul Ellis
Publisher: Paul Ellis
ISBN: 978-1958690550
Pages: 160
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

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When traversing through the world and experiencing life itself, many questions can come to one’s mind. One of the most profound however is what our purpose in life truly is? Is it to find love? Is it to start a family? Perhaps it’s to be the best in a specific field or achieve world-renown or to become an icon of some sort. There are many paths in life that we seek to find our purpose in, but as Helen Keller once said, “True happiness… is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”

In author Paul Ellis’s Presence Driven, the author explores purpose through a more faith-based lens. Through his work and book, the author shares the lessons and experiences that led to his knowledge that only through the Lord’s presence can one’s purpose in life truly have meaning. In this short yet powerful read, the author uses years of experience as a Pastor and Church leader to share his life and the lessons he gained to understand how to live a life purely by being Presence-Driven.

The author did an admirable and incredible job of conveying the importance and passion of this topic to his readers. The heart with which the author wrote this book was felt in every passage and page. The balance the author found between Biblical passages as evidence and philosophical lessons on utilizing the faith-based mindset to fuel one’s purpose in life was well done in this book. Having this balance allowed the author’s key audience to find the connection and thoughtful approach to the subject matter that the author was hoping to hone in on.

This is a brilliant book for those who enjoy nonfiction reads, especially those that are driven by faith-based literature and are seeking the best way to incorporate their faith, (in this instance, Christianity), into their everyday life. The need to understand one’s purpose is a strong emotion that everyone feels at one point or another in their lives, and everyone finds their answers in different ways. For those who are religious, this author’s work speaks volumes and provides some helpful and thoughtful information that will have an impact on their lives.

Thought-provoking, engaging, and well-written, author Paul Ellis’s Presence Driven is a must-read non-fiction and spiritual read. The notes of philosophy and morality were great to see peppered into the author’s work, and the vast amount of research and detail that went into the author’s Biblical studies and examples allowed readers to feel both enlightened and connected to the author’s experiences and lessons.

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